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Effective B2B lead generation strategies

Effective B2B lead generation strategies

Sales are the key to the business and, within the strategies to sell more, B2B lead generation is essential.

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Is Lead Generation Dead? Welcome to Demand Generation

Is Lead Generation Dead? Welcome to Demand Generation

In modern demand generation , there has been a significant shift from traditional isolated lead generation activities towards a more holistic and progressive strategy.

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How to Acquire Customers with Demand Gen?

How to Acquire Customers with Demand Gen?

In the current era, technology has revolutionised the B2B buying journey, enabling potential customers to make purchasing decisions on their own terms and timelines. According to the “2023 B2B Buyers Survey” highlighted by Demand Gen Report, 19% of buyers spend more time researching before making a decision, while 27% involve more people in the process. Previously, sellers were the gatekeepers of information, and potential customers had to contact them directly to get product details. Nowadays, all necessary information is available online, and buyers find it themselves. The B2B buying process increasingly resembles buying a car, where customers research and determine exactly what they want and how much they are willing to pay before approaching a dealership. In this context, marketers must stay ahead of their competitors by investing in high-value content that guides buyers through every stage of their buying journey. One of the most effective ways to do this is with a Demand Gen or demand generation strategy.

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What is Account Intelligence? Your key role at Demand Gen

What is Account Intelligence? Your key role at Demand Gen

The modern buyer journey is complex and involves many people within an organization, making it crucial to understand the target audience and their needs at both the account and location levels. Account Intelligence and data analytics are essential to identifying ideal leads and improving demand generation practices.

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Differences between Demand Gen, Lead Generation and ABM Marketing

Differences between Demand Gen, Lead Generation and ABM Marketing

In today's B2B marketing landscape, understanding the differences and synergies between Demand Generation (Demand Gen) , Lead Generation and account-based marketing (ABM) is crucial to implementing a marketing strategy. effective.

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